Monday, October 26, 2015

Well, that was easy...

Well, I apologize for the length of time between updates!!!  My first week of class...well, let's just say that it was one of the most intense weeks of my life.  We were assigned a group presentation on Monday that we had to give Thursday morning!  It was a really great project, but we got almost no sleep, and then after it was all over, my body shut down, and I immediately got a cold...followed a week and a half later by the flu.  And to top it all off?  My computer died, which made it extremely difficult to put together posts on Blogger.  BLECH!

So...Before I left the US, a number of people were like, "Oh, make sure you ride a double-decker bus while you're there!"  (It's also on my carpe diem list here on the blog.)  Little did I know just how easy that would be.

You see, that picture?  It's taken from my bedroom window.  That double-decker bus?  It's the route that I get to ride every day to and from school. :)

So, one thing has already been crossed off the list!  I'm sure my tiny list will grow exponentially while I'm here, but that's okay!  I want to see and do all sorts of things while I'm here.

As you may have seen on Facebook, I attempted to make white chocolate chip oatmeal cookies...let's just say, they were less than stellar.  It's not that they tasted bad, but they just weren't the same as when I make them at home, and so their flavor also brings along a sense of sadness that I can't replicate them.

Anyway, I have lots more updates on their way!  My new computer should be arriving on Wednesday or Thursday, so I should be able to write LOTS more often!


1 comment:

  1. oh so that's why you were at the library for the day! I couldn't understand why you wouldn't just go on the internet to study and research. God bless and heal you completely. btw, I recommend extra vitamin D-like 10-15,000 IU a day. You are not getting enough sunshine.
