Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Y'all...I am DYING right now!  I just hit submit on my application!  I am nervous as all heck.  When I finally had all of my documents uploaded, I couldn't make myself click the 'Submit Application' button.  So, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, held it in, and clicked...and then I opened my eyes and it said my application had been received!  It's gone, there's nothing I can do to change it.

I hope it's what they're looking for (especially my personal statement).  When I'm feeling brave, I will share my personal statement with you all.  :)


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Writing a Personal Statement

SERIOUSLY!  Why is this so hard?!  How come I can write over 100 pages of a novel (so far) but I can't get 5 pages or less together for my personal statement?

I have tons of things written for this...but I can't seem to make them all fit together.  And I tried to sit down and just write something totally different...but ended up writing something very similar to all the parts and pieces I already have.

So for those of you writing personal statements for your college and grad school applications, here are a few tips/tricks:

1.  Make sure your statement is about YOU!  When I first tried to combine a few things I had already written with some information about why I wanted to get into Kingston University's MA in publishing program, I kept talking about what EVERYONE ELSE had done that affected my life.  Instead, I mostly just needed to talk about the actual effects, and mention the people/events that brought them about in passing.  (Although, as you'll see later, this is something I am STILL struggling with.)

2.  I know in school they tell you to know your audience, and write with them in mind.  However, when it comes to writing a personal statement, that audience, in a way, should be YOU.  Remind yourself why you want to go to that particular school, and go through that specific program.  Take a good look at yourself.  What are your actual goals, dreams, aspirations?  What is it that led you to that particular field, or school?  Because if you can convince yourself in your personal statement why you should be there, you will convince everyone else.

3.  Be. Honest.  Don't try to impress whomever is going to read your essay by fluffing it up with fibs, or taking out parts you think they might not want to hear.  You absolutely should use your best writing skills, but you don't need to be dishonest.

As soon as I finalize my personal statement, I promise to share it with all of you.  :)
