Friday, January 2, 2015

Can I have my passport, please?

So today I will be heading to the county court house to apply for a new passport.  I used to have one, but since I was a few months shy of being 16 at the time, it was only good for 5 years.  So it is beyond expired.  And to top it all off, it was lost when I moved from Minnesota to Florida.

And to add a little more to the madness, I have not one, not two, but three name change documents.  AND my driver's license does not match my social security card.  So, I'm crossing all my appendages that they'll let me use the name that's on my social security card for my passport.  (Bonus: if my passport has the name I want on it, the Florida DMV HAS to let me use my passport name on my driver's license!)

I also am working on my personal statement to go along with my application to Kingston today.  Who knew it was so hard to put down in writing your dreams and aspirations, along with how you got there, for anyone to read?  I need them to know just how bad I want this, and why I am a good candidate for the publishing program.  How do you fit all of that onto a few sheets of paper?  And then let someone else read it?

Anyway, wish me luck!
